Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Diet Point

Diet Point App for iPhone
     Diet Point is a companion app for anyone trying to lose weight, maintain their weight or just generally eat right.  It's currently free, but it wont be for long!  And considering how pricey it is, you might want to get it now, or not at all (Unless you're really serious about dieting.  Then you may be willing to spend the extra money).
     Remember, buying this application does not give you full access.  You have to pay for a membership if you want access to all of the content.  Personally I think that if you're going to charge for the app, they shouldn't also charge you for the membership.  That's just highway robbery.
     Here's what you get with the paid app, minus the membership content.
     You get access to the forums where you can meet other people who are dieting with this app.  Discuss your diets.  Discuss workouts and trade recipes.  There's even a place to just casually chit chat about whatever you like.  Just don't expect a lot of replies.  I posted a few times, commented a few times.  I may as well have been a fly on the wall.  No one ever replied to me.
     You get access to the free diet plans.  There's a few diet plans available.  Not a ton, but a decent amount.  These diet plans are for losing small amounts of weight.  They have a set amount of days for you to stick with, a meal plan for each day, and even provide you with a shopping list so you'll know what to purchase at the grocery market.
     You can set alarm reminders for when it's time for you to eat.  I like to set mine for 8AM breakfast, 10AM morning snack, 12PM Lunch, 2:30PM afternoon snack and 5PM supper.  That way they are fairly evenly spread out.  When you check to see what you are able to eat for that meal, they will also give you a random diet tip at the bottom that may or may not relate to what it's telling you to eat.
     If you want to scroll ahead to see what you are eating later, or scroll back to see what you ate earlier, just swipe the screen from side to side.
     You also have a profile where you can add your weight, your photo and some other information.
     Premium members (People with the membership) have access to more diets.  The premium diets are supposed to cause more weight loss.  You can browse these diets but it wont allow you to try them, check the shopping lists or see all of the meal plans.  They can also export their diets.
     So far I have tried one diet.  My husband tried the same diet.  I am going to start another diet in a week or so.  The diet we tried was called "Summer Detox" and is available in the free diet section.  It's a 5 day diet that makes you feel hungry through out the entire time.  Basically because you're eating very little.  Here's how it went...
     I lost 9 LBS on this diet (From 120 to 111 in 5 days).  Most of it stayed off.  I am currently 113, two weeks later.  I stuck to the plan and went about my normal routine.  Walking, doing house chores, cooking delicious meals for my family that I wasn't allowed to eat (Oh, the horror... It's like torture!).  I weighed myself every day at the same time (9PM), just before bed.  It's important to always weigh yourself at the same time every day.  Because your weight fluctuates through out the day.  This will give you the most accurate reading.  It was rough, but I was happy with the end results.  It basically flushes everything out of your body.  So be prepared to be visiting the loo a lot.
     My husband does his dieting a bit differently.  He made sure the first 3 days of his diet were over a 3 day weekend.  During these 3 days all he did was sleep.  He woke up to eat, took a nap, woke up to eat, played a game for a while, took another nap.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  This causes very little fat burning to occur.  Yes, he's taking in less calories, but sleeping right after eating causes those calories to all be stored, rather than burned.  He didn't regularly weigh himself but he speculates that he lost under one pound.  He was also incredibly cranky through out the 5 days.  Though, admittedly, I was very whiny over my 5 day diet ("I'm so hungry... Why is everything on tele about food!?!").
     In closing, I believe this is a good application.  It's useful.  I love the shopping list function.  I would really like to see them add a check list function to it.  It would make the shopping far easier if you were able to check things off of the list.  I have noticed that a lot of the diets do a sort of carousel food plan.  Meaning you are eating similar foods on a solid rotation.  I'd like to see an "alternate meal plan" option that allows you to switch up the routine.  Say I'm eating Tomato soup on day 1 for lunch, and vegetable soup for day 2...  Maybe I want to eat vegetable soup both days instead.  You should be allowed to click a button to make this alteration to your meal plan.  Say I don't like grape fruit and would like to substitute a large orange.  There should be an ability to do this.
     Speaking of what you should be able to do... They give you a daily calorie limit for your height and weight... but they don't give you any calorie calculations on your daily meal plans.  This should absolutely be added.  They should also allow adjustments based on your BMI.  A larger person should not have the same diet as a tiny person.
     It's a good application, but if they insist on having a membership fee for the additional diet content, the application itself should be free.  Or, alternatively, if you want to make it a paid app, dismiss the membership fee.  Double dipping is rude.  No one likes an empty wallet.  Because of their prices, I am forced to lower the rating.  It's just too much in my opinion. (In case you were wondering, it's $44.99 for a one year membership, 14.99 for 3 months)
Rating: 3.5/5
  • $44.99
  • Category: Health & Fitness
  • Size: 6.2 MB
  • Language: English
  • Seller: SimpLabs, Damjan Malis, s.p.

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