This is part of the LINE Play 101 series of updates. Each update covers a specific section of the LINE Play app. Please read the LINE Play review for more information about this app, before reading this post.
One thing many users have trouble with is earning gems. Gems are actually not difficult to earn. I am going to help you learn every way there is to earn gems on LINE Play.
01.99USD for 2,000 gems
05.99USD for 6,300 gems
11.99USD for 13,200 gems
22.99USD for 27,600 gems
46.99USD for 57,600 gems
89.99USD for 128,800 gems
There is a bonus for first time buyers. a 400% bonus will allow you to get 10,000 gems for 1.99USD. This can only be used once.
Gem Pass: Another pay option, the Gem Pass gives a user 20,000 gems instantly and 3,000 gems a day for 30 days (Only on days you log in). It costs 19.99USD.
Daily Quests: There are 6 quests that reset every day. Each quest gives you 300 bonus gems. You also obtain gems while working on these quests. If you complete every daily quest you will earn 1800 Bonus gems plus 1200 individual gems, totaling 3000 gems every day for completing the daily quest.
Read more about Daily Quests here.
Fishing at Treasure Island: There are 3 ways of fishing for gems.
First is to fish up trash. Every time you fish up trash you get 10 gems. This is unlimited. Every piece of trash you fish up, you get 10 gems for.
Second is to complete a collection. If you click the collection icon at the top of the page in Treasure Island (Found in squares), you will see several pages of fish collections. Whenever you catch one of the fish on any of the pages, you unlock that fish. Once you collect all of the fish on any particular page, you get the reward. The reward for the first 7 pages is 5,000 gems. Pages 8-13 is 10,000 gems, 14-18 has a reward of 30,000 gems. Obviously the higher numbered pages have fish that are more rare, so they will be harder to complete.
The last way is by fishing up a treasure chest. These chests may obtain items, but they may also obtain gems. Treasure chests can randomly appear while fishing. You never know when you may fish one up!
Mini Game Quests: LINE Play has 4 mini games right now. Fruit Monsters, GOLD RUSH, DropDrop and TapTap.
GOLD RUSH has no daily quests. However, the other games do. Every day you can complete these quests for gems. The next day they reset, and you can complete them for more gems.
Fruit Monsters - There are 3 daily quests for 300 gems each. This totals 900 gems, if you complete all of the quests.
Quest 1: Play Ten Times (The easiest)
Quest 2: Collect 20 Stars (You can get 3 stars per play. You can replay the same levels and still be awarded the stars you win for additional plays)
Quest 3: Create 200 Special Blocks (Any time you create a 4, 5 or 6 single colour monster block during a game, this counts as a "special block". The amount of these blocks you can make per game is unlimited.)
Quest 1: Get 10 Million Points (The points you earn every time you lay add up. Once the collective score equals 10 million, you win the reward. Each game usually gains you between 300,000 to 1,300,000 on average, depending on you skil (Though you can earn less or more). So earning this amount in a day is not difficult.
Quest 2: Get 300 Combo (Whenever you stack your blocks very close to straight you will get a combo until you either drop a block, drop a bomb on your blocks or stack a block too crooked. Then the combo starts over. Once your collective combos equals 300, you get this reward.)
[REPEAT] Quest 1: Play 5 Times (The reward is a free 2 plays)
[REPEAT] Quest 2: Stack 500 Blocks (You usually stack between 50 and 80 blocks per game. Once the collective number from your games comes to 500, you will get a chest. A chest can have gems, in DropDrop game items to use while you play or special avatar items you can only get from the DropDrop chests. The gem amounts vary.)
TapTap - There are four quests here. 3 are daily quests and one is a repeat quest that you can complete unlimited times. The daily quests give out 300, 300 and 400 gems. Which means you get 1,000 gems if you complete all of the daily quests.
Quest 1: Clear 50 Specials (The tapping boxes come to you in strings. At the end of each string of boxes is a special box that you can use either side to tap. Once you clear 50 of these total, throughout your games, you complete this quest and earn 300 gems)
Quest 2: Get 2,000 Combos (As long as you don't tap the wrong side, you'll be getting a combo. Once you make a mistake, your combo starts over. So tap carefully! Once your total tapping combo reaches 2,000 you earn 300 gems!)
Quest 3: Get 20 Million Points (You can easily earn over 1,000,000 points per game so you should be able to earn this in around 20 games or so.)
[REPEAT] Quest 1: Clear 1,500 Blocks (Once you pass that many blocks you get a TapTap chest. This can happen an unlimited amount of times, and happens pretty frequently. The chests can have gems in them, special TapTap game items or special items for your character that can only be obtained from these chests.)
Mini Game Chests: As I explained in some notes in the mini game quests section, the chests you obtain from TapTap and DropDrop can have gems in them. The amount of gems vary but are usually under 100 gems per chest. However, if you get chests frequently (And as they ar
e attached to repeat quests, you can), these gems add up! There is no limit to how many you can get.
Invitation Codes: Every user gets their own unique invitation code. When you enter someone else's code, you get 1,000 gems. You can do this 10 times. This totals 10,000 gems. 20 people can enter your code, which also gains you 1,000 gems er time. This totals 20,000 gems. So once you have entered the max amount of codes, and the max amount of people have entered your code, you will have 30,000 gems.
If you are curious about where your invitation code can be found, or where you can enter other people's codes, they are located in the same place. Go to "More" and click either Profile or Settings/Profile. From there you can click "Invitation Code". That page will give you your code to copy, show you who has entered your code, allow you to enter other people's codes ans show you all the users who you have entered the codes of.
You will see a list of all the friends on your list who do not currently have a LINE Play account linked to their LINE account. There will be an invite button next to it. For every user you invite you get 1,000 gems. You can do this up to 100 times. that's 100,000 gems total!
Events: Every so often LINE Play will have an event. Some of these events will have gem prizes that you can win. They usually range from 3,000 gems to 70,000 gems a win. However, it usually costs 3,000 gems for each play. There is no guarantee you will win a gem prize. You may get a house item, avatar item, hearts or occasionally cash. Keep an eye on the events section to watch out for these events.
Recycling: Sometimes you get clothing you don't want from the gacha or events... Sometimes you get duplicates (Duplicates can not be worn at the same time, and are thus useless). When this happens, you can recycle these items to earn gems back.
The gems are small, but if you recycle a rare or super rare, you will get a significant amount of gems.
Mondays are bonus days for recycling. So do all of your recycling on Mondays to get the most gems back for your items.
Keep in mind that not all items will give you gems when you recycle them. You can see how many gems each item will be recycled for on the recycle screen. So be careful, and keep track.
Some houses won't have a bath or food. If you enter a room and you see a bubble over your avatar, but can not find the corresponding item in the room, don't panic. That bubble will remain until you find a room where there is an item that matches the bubble. So just try another room.
How do you recycle gems I can't find the potion anywhere!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteAre you asking how to recycle items for gems? If you access your closet , in the bottom left corner there is a recycle button. Clicking that will take you to the item recycle screen.
DeleteHow do you recycle gems I can't find the potion anywhere!
ReplyDeleteI do not thing u can recycle gems and why would u it is nice to have a lot of them but iF u do want to get rid of them u could get gifts for people it would the other person happy and lowering your money at the same time
DeleteHow do I earn badges?
ReplyDeleteBadges can be obtained two ways. First are the promo badges. There are sometimes special events that give you a task. When that task is completed you receive a badge for the event. I have gotten two badges this way.
DeleteThe other way is to purchase badges. The badges can be purchased with "points". Points are obtained by purchasing large amounts of gems or cash. You get very small amounts of points with the gem and cash purchases. For example: Spending 5.99USD for 6,300 gems will earn you just one point. Purchasing 57,600 gems for 46.99USD will earn you 9 points. Most badges cost 5 points. This is why most users do not have badges. Most people aren't willing to spend that much.
I hope this helps!
My LINEPLAY account is linked to my LINE account but when I add friends on my LINE account they dont appear on LINEPLAY, therefore I can't invite and get gems ;_; Is there something wrong? I checked the "Friends" and "Add Friends" buttons 10 times already and I can't see what Im doing wrong...
ReplyDeleteYou can occasionally earn 500 gems in Drop Drop and 300 in Tap Tap
ReplyDeleteHalllllllo! This should help me and it is :))) but there is only 1 jackpot spinner thing and it has no gems :( is there a place where there are more spinners
ReplyDeleteHi. I was wondering if LINE deleted the Drop-Drop mini game in the LINEPLAY app cause I can't find it anymore. All I see is Fruit Monsters as a choice in this "Game" section. Did they delete it, or am I looking at the wrong section?