This is not a game that requires you to pay for additional features. You have an option to spend money to buy in game money, but it is not required, and earning money in the game is not difficult. The app is completely free to play.
It's a side scrolling adventure style game, crossed with an RPG feel, and little comic book pages to tell the story (I've a soft spot for games with comic book pages). You play the hero (Of course) who has been asked to save the kingdom's princess from a terrible monster who has kidnapped her (Alright, so it's a pretty generic theme...). The princess was stolen in her sleep, and is wearing her pajamas through out the game (Thus the title "Princess pajama"). Once you find the princess (This happens very early on) the rest of the game is level after level of you fighting your way through monsters and bosses, to get her safely back to the kingdom. There are several levels per stage. Each stage has a different theme, such as frozen ice, grass lands, woods, etc...
Every hero needs companions to help him fight. And your hero is no different. You can summon helpers to come fight with you. There is no limit to how many you can summon, it seems. however you do have a cool down time after a summon, and you need to earn summon points over time before you can afford to summon again.
Your princess can also heal and buff you, but you have no real control over her. She runs ahead, falls behind, falls down, and otherwise makes your life a little harder, as you are trying to save her. If her health falls to zero, you lose and have to start that level over (No experience and such is lost, just your time and any items used in that battle). You can equip her with one item. This item has a special feature you can use. She can use either a necklace, ring or earring set. They have various special features such as speed, defense boost, attack boost, healing and so on. When in battle, you have a small pink button with a crown on it, near your attack options. When this is lit up you can click it (It has an especially long cool down, so make sure to use it at the right time). This activates the princess' special feature on her item. I usually keep her items "healing" only. As it seemed toe most helpful to me.
When in between stages, at the shoppe, you can also level your summons, and change out your items. Your warrior gets two item slots for rings and such, the princess gets one. You can also carry two 'consumable' items. Such as potions, portals and bombs. You can only keep 10 of each with you, so choose wisely. There is also a spot for up to 3 gems. When you start out, only one gem slot will be open. The other you get as you level up, the last must be purchased with ruves. Gems help boost your stats. They can make your summoning cool down time faster, boost certain kinds of attacks (Lightning, poison, etc), increase maximum hit points and so on.
Equipment and gems have levels. A higher level item will give you better stat boosts. They will sell for more and cost more. Try to always use the highest level items you find. The highest level items I have found through levels would be a 6. They sell level 10 items in the shoppes, but you'll have to save up, because they are costly.
Once you beat the game, you get a fun little comic scene. And are given the option to play through for a second time. Should you choose to play through again you'll lose all levels and items. However, you'll get ruve value for each item that is lost. The monsters are also much harder the second time through.
I am currently on my second play through. I recommend this to anyone who likes cute games, free games, or has lots of free times on their hands.
Rating: 5/5
- Free
- Category: Games
- Size: 108 MB
- Languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish
This is such a fun game! I even got my coworker playing it. Your right, it's easy to go back to and play. Thanks for the review!