Draw Something App for iPhone

Draw Something is one of OMGPOP's most popular games, and is a free application you can download on both apple and android phones. The basic idea is a game of one on one Pictionary. The person drawing that round chooses one of 3 words, and has to draw a picture that will cause the other user to guess that particular word. Then the other user draws for the next round. This goes back and forth.
You can have several games of "Draw Something" going at once, between various different users. As you guess and draw, you earn coins. These coins can be used to purchase additional colour palettes as well as bombs.
You start out with a very small and limited group of colours. As you collect more palettes, you'll be able to draw more detailed doodles. It also helps avoid that problem of people confusing a picture of grapes with a picture of olives.

Unlike Pictionary, the guesser doesn't just shout out words. You have a selection of letters to use to guess the word that is being drawn. Some of the letters will be in the word, others will not. You start off with a few 'bombs'. These can be used to remove some of the letters that do not belong in the word. This may help you guess the word, if you are stumped. If you are still unable to guess the word, or if you've no bombs and can not determine what word is being drawn, you can "Pass". The game between the two users is than reset to round one, and you play through again (Not with the same words).

If you run out of bombs, you can use your collected coins to purchase more. Bombs are used for 2 things. They can remove letters for the guesser. They can also give the person drawing a new set of words to choose from, when they decide what to draw.
The words that the game uses are not always common dictionary words. Many times they are the names of fictional characters or celebrities. Or the name of video games, movies, books and such. This can make it a bit more challenging to guess if you've no knowledge of that particular pop culture icon.

If you are no longer interested in playing with a particular user, for whatever reason, you can swipe across their name on your game list. A red button will appear that causes you to resign, and delete the game. I often do this if users wait too many days in between rounds, or write the word rather than drawing it. After all, it isn't called "Write Something".

You can view how well you're doing and see basic stats for each running game by clicking the "Stats" button. You can see the most common used colours, the amount of coins collected, your highest successful round and which word type you choose most often (Easy, moderate or difficult).
You don't need any drawing skills to play this game. I actually find that having less drawing skills might help some people since the most simple drawings are sometimes easier to guess. Sometimes details confuse a guesser.
I recommend this to anyone who likes drawing or playing Pictionary or guessing games in general. After all, it's free. What do you have to lose?
Rating: 5/5
- Category: Games
- Size: 12.9 MB
- Language: English
- Seller: OMGPOP, Inc.
- © 2012 OMGPOP, Inc
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