Please bear in mind, the translations may be off a bit but they should give you an idea of what is being said. I took some creative liberty to make the translations sound more natural rather than making them direct word for word translations.
** (+1) (+2) (+3) Means this is how many music notes this response gives.
I have not gone all of the way through the game yet so I don't have every character dialogue unlocked yet. As I unlock more I will add the new translations.
[Dialogue links soon to come]
Confidants (Sojiro, etc)
Note for Mona Dialogue: Mona often uses the word Wagahai to refer to himself. This is a very arrogant/pretentious way of saying "I". This doesn't really translate to English very well but it is an important part of the character's speech.
Scene 01
A --Who are you?
B --A talking cat...?
C -- Yeah Mona
A or B or C (Same outcome)
*That's pretty rude. I am [Morgana] a member of the great Phantom Thieves!
*Hey you, you can use Persona right?
*Because I said I'd cooperate, I'll be your teacher, and share my knowledge of how to become a Phantom Thief.
A --Is that right?
B -- It sure seems that way.
C --I think I understand.
A or B or C (Same outcome)
*Hm, I dunno... Is this really the right person? Just in case, can you confirm your name?
[After Entering your name]
*Say what, it really is you after all? Ok [Name], let's start exploring!
A --Where?
B --Exploring?
A or B (Same outcome)
*It's called Mementos. It's the place you'll be exploring from today on.
*I'll explain the details later. Come on!
Scene 02
*First of all, I'll explain the most important thing for a Phantom Thief to have! You wouldn't want to start without knowing this one, right?
*The most important thing for a Phantom Thief is--... [Name], What do you think it is?
A --A disguise
B --Gun skills?
C --Being a thief is bad
*Yeah, I guess that's important too. You couldn't be a very good thief if people knew your true identity, after all.
*However, there is more than that to being a Phantom Thief. Which is...
B (+1)
*I guess that is pretty important. However, that's not it.
*Before handing a weapon, there is something much more important you need.
*And that is...
*It seems you know your stuff. That is very true...
*Yep, being a thief is definitely a bad idea...!
*Well, I guess that's all for today. I'll just be on my way now.
*...What? That's it. I said we're all done here...!
*Fine, if you're finally ready to take this seriously. The most important thing about being a Phantom Thief is...
*It's having conviction!
*What we're stealing is a target's distorted heart.
*By eliminating the distortion, we can force the target to have a change of heart.
*A person without conviction can never change the hearts of others.
*So to be a Phantom Thief... Conviction is the most important thing.
A --Cool
B --That's pretty complicated
C --Moving on, I'm super hungry.
*Nyafufufufu...I guess it is pretty cool, huh [Name]?
*Well, I'm sure you'll understand soon enough.
*You're making me really nervous about all this, you know...
*But, now that you mention it, I guess I'm getting pretty hungry too...
*Well, anyway, don't worry. I'm going to teach you everything you need to know.
Scene 03
*But that's not all. Today I'll tell you what else you need to be a Phantom Thief.
*The Phantom Thieves are always on the side of the weak.
*Help the weak and punish those who oppress them (Direct translation: Help the weak, punish the strong)
*Today you'll practice doing this as a Phantom Thief.
*In other words, you'll be helping people. After helping them out you'll disappear without ever revealing your true identity...
*How about it, [Name]? Think you can pull it off?
A --It depends
B --Seems hard
C --Let's change into our Phantom Thief disguises
*Well, that's true but... Couldn't you at least try?
*Be more confident. You're going to help a lot of people, right?
*Don't worry. This is your chance to do some good, so get out there.
*Uh, this is the real world. We can't do that here.
*If you don't take this seriously you're going to cause me a lot of trouble, you know.
*For now just see if you can find anyone who's in trouble.
*Hm... Who to choose...
*Oh! Hey look over there! Do you see someone who looks like they're in trouble?
*It looks like there are some tourists from a foreign country over there. Quick, this is your chance, [Name]. Let's go help them out!
A --I can't speak English
B --I think I'm going to throw up (Direct translation is spit, but I'm guessing they mean throw up)
C --I-- can I... help you
*That's fine!
*It's all about feeling. That's what Ann told me. Come on, [Name], give it a try!
*Hey, it's alright to be scared! I'm here to back you up in case of an emergency. Come on!
*Why are you saying that to me? You're way too nervous!
*It's alright. I'm here to back you up in case of an emergency. Come on!
*You did it, [Name]! It looks like you really helped out that tourist. They seemed pleased!
*You did well today. I'm so proud.
*Were you able to understand a little about what it means to be a Phantom Thief?
*Let's do our best from now on!
Scene 04
*First off, to avoid being noticed you need to walk quietly.
*If you can't do that you won't be a very good Phantom Thief.
*Creeping about silently. This is how we successfully steal treasures.
*This is the secret to being a great Phantom Thief! What do you think? Are you impressed?
A --Wow!
B --Can you do it, Morgana?
C --Not really
*However, if you can stay calm, you'll be able to do it too.
*You know, it's still possible for you to catch up with the rest of us!
*Wow, that's a pretty stupid question...
*Creeping around is what I've done my whole life, don't you get it?
*Great... you're so dry...
*You'll soon understand our greatness! Get ready, [Name].
*Let's move on to the next thing!
*The next special skill you'll need is... Being fast!
*I don't just mean walking quickly. It is also important for a Phantom Thief to be able to ambush an enemy which requires speed.
*Ninja stealthiness... Do you know how to train for that?
A --Running?
B --Watch ninja films?
C --I don't have a clue!
*That is the correct answer! But just running normally won't do.
*You have to run without making any noise. Come on, we'll do it together!
*You think you could figure it out just by watching movies?
*Movies may help but today we are going to do special training by actually moving our bodies.
*Is this alright with you? We need to run without making any noise. Come on, we'll do it together!
*You don't have to say it so confidently!
*Is this alright with you? We need to run without making any noise. Come on, we'll do it together!
*Yeah. You're really getting it now, right?
*Your so lucky! Not everyone is fortunate enough to be taught by a pro like me.
A --I learnt a lot! (Direct translation is 'Good Study')
B --Let's run more
C --I'm hungry now
*Nyafufufu... If you keep that up you're going to embarrass me.
*Whoa, you're really motivated.
*I think we've done enough running for today. You don't want to push your body too hard, right?
*If you move more, you burn more calories and get hungry... That's just how the body works.
*Alright, lets go home and rest for the day.
*[Name], keep working hard from now on!
Scene 05
*Let's do our best again today.
*Now that you've mastered being covert you're ready to learn how to search for enemies...!
*Learn enemy positions and situations... This is an important skill for any Phantom Thief to learn.
*We can't always rely on navigation support from Futaba.
*Ok, let's start training.
*I'm going to hide somewhere in this park. You are going to have to find me within the time limit.
A --Easy
B --What do you mean 'Search for enemies'?
C --Hide and Seek...
*Don't get cocky.
*You--, weren't you paying attention to anything I just said...?!
*When we start I'll be hiding, so your job will be to search for me.
*Wrong! This is serious Phantom Thief training! Don't let your guard down.
*We will be alternating between chasing and hiding. Make sure you don't make a sound, ok?
*Well, let's get started!
*Whoa, you found me in no time!
*That makes 5 wins and 5 losses... I guess that makes today's training a draw.
*Not too shabby, don't you think? Not bad for the first time.
*You have a real knack for this, [Name].
A --I'm just a good student
B --I can't even move anymore
*It seems like this training is really helping you.
*I look forward to watching you grow!
*Well, I did my best today so it was probably pretty hard for you.
*There's still a lot more skills I need to teach you.
*Let's keep doing our best moving forward.
A --Leave it to me
B --Easy as Pie (Direct translation: Asameshimae which literally means Before Breakfast. However this is an idiom and is not to be taken literally)
C --Can we take a taxi home?
*That's a pretty confident reply... I gotta say, I'm moved...
*I think you'll be a great addition to the Phantom Thieves!
*That's a pretty confident reply... I gotta say, I'm moved...
*I think you'll be a great addition to the Phantom Thieves!
*Isn't that super expensive, [Name]? If you're that rich we should get sushi...
*You really shouldn't be wasting money.
*As part of your special training we should walk home. (NOTE: This is roughly a 3 hour walk according to Google Maps)
*By the way, you seem to have the basics down. It may be time to teach you some more challenging skills soon.
*Well, do you want to know what skills you'll be training for next?
*Nyafufufu... Let's just say it's something really special so you should be looking forward to it!
Scene 06 [Coming Soon]
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