With today's digital animation and how it speeds the process along and makes things easier for animators, it's rare to see hand drawn artwork used for animation. But the fact of the matter is, digital just doesn't have the same feel. I miss the hand drawn style and was really excited to see a hand drawn animated video game!
The idea is to control the main character. No, you aren't moving him about (Well, in one part you are), you're controlling his mood, his boldness, what he pays attention to. How his interacts with the other characters in this play is entirely up to which direction and how far you swipe your finger.
There is no speaking in this game, so you really don't need to know English (Or any particular language) to play. Though when you 'mess up' it occasionally gives you a hint across the screen. This is in English.
Here are some screen shots of some of the lovely animation in the game.
I really loved this game, and would recommend it to anyone who likes classic animation, comedy cartoons, interactive game play, choose your own adventure stories or anything of the like. The only real down side is that over all it isn't a very long game. Depending on how well you swipe the game could take anywhere between 10 minutes and an hour to beat. With it costing 3 dollars, some people may feel that they aren't getting enough out of it. Though I'd say it has a little replay value. It's fun to watch 'all' of the reactions in all of the scenes. After all, someone worked really hard to draw all those frames!
I would like to see more episodes of this. Either with the same characters or new ones. I think that people who purchased the initial game should get a discount on any sequels. This might help heal the dismay of the 3 dollar purchase for a short game. And it keeps your customers coming back. Or perhaps that could add an extra feature in the game. Like a gallery that shows all the various animations that can be unlocked at the end of the game. Or story boards and draft sketches. Users like content. Adding more content, even something simple, will help encourage people to pay the 3 dollar bill. As for me, I knew I had to play this. And I'm glad I did. Money well spent, in my book.
Rating: 5/5
- $2.99
- Category: Games
- Size: 512 MB
- Language: English
- Seller: Chillingo Ltd
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