Friday, April 12, 2019

Persona OA Chat Log Translations: Morgana

     This is a (incomplete) basic translation for the chat logs with each character in the Persona OA app.  English speaking users can use it to better understand the conversations in the app and make better choices when the characters ask questions.  As there is a lot of dialogue I have separated each character's interactions into a separate post.  Also, this does not include post-dungeon interactions in your room where you decide what stat boosting item to use or the intro/tutorial for the game.

     Please bear in mind, the translations may be off a bit but they should give you an idea of what is being said.   I took some creative liberty to make the translations sound more natural rather than making them direct word for word translations.

** (+1) (+2) (+3) Means this is how many music notes this response gives.

     I have not gone all of the way through the game yet so I don't have every character dialogue unlocked yet.  As I unlock more I will add the new translations.

[Dialogue links soon to come]
Confidants (Sojiro, etc)


Note for Mona Dialogue: Mona often uses the word Wagahai to refer to himself.  This is a very arrogant/pretentious way of saying "I".  This doesn't really translate to English very well but it is an important part of the character's speech.

Scene 01
*Hey, you're the newcomer, right?  Joker was just telling me all about you.
A --Who are you?
B --A talking cat...?
C -- Yeah Mona

A or B or C (Same outcome)
*That's pretty rude.  I am [Morgana] a member of the great Phantom Thieves!

*Hey you, you can use Persona right?
*Because I said I'd cooperate, I'll be your teacher, and share my knowledge of how to become a Phantom Thief.
A --Is that right?
B -- It sure seems that way.
C --I think I understand.

A or B or C (Same outcome)
*Hm, I dunno... Is this really the right person?  Just in case, can you confirm your name?
[After Entering your name]
*Say what, it really is you after all?  Ok [Name], let's start exploring!
A --Where?
B --Exploring?

A or B (Same outcome)
*It's called Mementos.  It's the place you'll be exploring from today on.
*I'll explain the details later.  Come on!

Scene 02
*Today I'll teach you what you need to know to be a Phantom Thief.
*First of all, I'll explain the most important thing for a Phantom Thief to have!  You wouldn't want to start without knowing this one, right?
*The most important thing for a Phantom Thief is--... [Name], What do you think it is?
A --A disguise
B --Gun skills?
C --Being a thief is bad

*Yeah, I guess that's important too.  You couldn't be a very good thief if people knew your true identity, after all.
*However, there is more than that to being a Phantom Thief.  Which is...

B (+1)
*I guess that is pretty important.  However, that's not it.
*Before handing a weapon, there is something much more important you need.
*And that is...

*It seems you know your stuff.  That is very true...
*Yep, being a thief is definitely a bad idea...!
*Well, I guess that's all for today.  I'll just be on my way now.
*...What?  That's it.  I said we're all done here...!
*Fine, if you're finally ready to take this seriously.  The most important thing about being a Phantom Thief is...

*It's having conviction!
*What we're stealing is a target's distorted heart.
*By eliminating the distortion, we can force the target to have a change of heart.
*A person without conviction can never change the hearts of others.
*So to be a Phantom Thief...  Conviction is the most important thing.
A --Cool
B --That's pretty complicated
C --Moving on, I'm super hungry.

*Nyafufufufu...I guess it is pretty cool, huh [Name]?

*Well, I'm sure you'll understand soon enough.

*You're making me really nervous about all this, you know...
*But, now that you mention it, I guess I'm getting pretty hungry too...

*Well, anyway, don't worry.  I'm going to teach you everything you need to know.

Scene 03
*[Name], I already explained that conviction is the most important thing for a Phantom Thief to have.
*But that's not all.  Today I'll tell you what else you need to be a Phantom Thief.
*The Phantom Thieves are always on the side of the weak.
*Help the weak and punish those who oppress them (Direct translation: Help the weak, punish the strong)
*Today you'll practice doing this as a Phantom Thief.
*In other words, you'll be helping people.  After helping them out you'll disappear without ever revealing your true identity...
*How about it, [Name]?  Think you can pull it off?
A --It depends
B --Seems hard
C --Let's change into our Phantom Thief disguises

*Well, that's true but... Couldn't you at least try?

*Be more confident.  You're going to help a lot of people, right?
*Don't worry.  This is your chance to do some good, so get out there.

*Uh, this is the real world.  We can't do that here.
*If you don't take this seriously you're going to cause me a lot of trouble, you know.

*For now just see if you can find anyone who's in trouble.
*Hm... Who to choose...
*Oh!  Hey look over there!  Do you see someone who looks like they're in trouble?
*It looks like there are some tourists from a foreign country over there.  Quick, this is your chance, [Name].  Let's go help them out!
A --I can't speak English
B --I think I'm going to throw up (Direct translation is spit, but I'm guessing they mean throw up)
C --I-- can I... help you

*That's fine!
*It's all about feeling.  That's what Ann told me.  Come on, [Name], give it a try!

*Hey, it's alright to be scared!  I'm here to back you up in case of an emergency.  Come on!

*Why are you saying that to me?  You're way too nervous!
*It's alright.  I'm here to back you up in case of an emergency.  Come on!

*You did it, [Name]!  It looks like you really helped out that tourist.  They seemed pleased!
*You did well today.  I'm so proud.
*Were you able to understand a little about what it means to be a Phantom Thief?
*Let's do our best from now on!

Scene 04
*[Name], today I'll teach you how to be stealthy like a proper Phantom Thief.
*First off, to avoid being noticed you need to walk quietly.
*If you can't do that you won't be a very good Phantom Thief.
*Creeping about silently.  This is how we successfully steal treasures.
*This is the secret to being a great Phantom Thief!  What do you think?  Are you impressed?
A --Wow!
B --Can you do it, Morgana?
C --Not really

*However, if you can stay calm, you'll be able to do it too.
*You know, it's still possible for you to catch up with the rest of us!

*Wow, that's a pretty stupid question...
*Creeping around is what I've done my whole life, don't you get it?

*Great... you're so dry...
*You'll soon understand our greatness!  Get ready, [Name].

*Let's move on to the next thing!
*The next special skill you'll need is...  Being fast!
*I don't just mean walking quickly.  It is also important for a Phantom Thief to be able to ambush an enemy which requires speed.
*Ninja stealthiness...  Do you know how to train for that?
A --Running?
B --Watch ninja films?
C --I don't have a clue!

*That is the correct answer!  But just running normally won't do.
*You have to run without making any noise.  Come on, we'll do it together!

*You think you could figure it out just by watching movies?
*Movies may help but today we are going to do special training by actually moving our bodies.
*Is this alright with you?  We need to run without making any noise.  Come on, we'll do it together!

*You don't have to say it so confidently!
*Is this alright with you?  We need to run without making any noise.  Come on, we'll do it together!

*Yeah.  You're really getting it now, right?
*Your so lucky!  Not everyone is fortunate enough to be taught by a pro like me.
A --I learnt a lot! (Direct translation is 'Good Study')
B --Let's run more
C --I'm hungry now

*Nyafufufu...  If you keep that up you're going to embarrass me.

*Whoa, you're really motivated.
*I think we've done enough running for today.  You don't want to push your body too hard, right?

*If you move more, you burn more calories and get hungry...  That's just how the body works.

*Alright, lets go home and rest for the day.
*[Name], keep working hard from now on!

Scene 05
*You're really starting to seem like a real Phantom Thief, [Name]!
*Let's do our best again today.
*Now that you've mastered being covert you're ready to learn how to search for enemies...!
*Learn enemy positions and situations...  This is an important skill for any Phantom Thief to learn.
*We can't always rely on navigation support from Futaba.
*Ok, let's start training.
*I'm going to hide somewhere in this park.  You are going to have to find me within the time limit.
A --Easy
B --What do you mean 'Search for enemies'?
C --Hide and Seek...

*Don't get cocky.

*You--, weren't you paying attention to anything I just said...?!
*When we start I'll be hiding, so your job will be to search for me.

*Wrong!  This is serious Phantom Thief training!  Don't let your guard down.

*We will be alternating between chasing and hiding.  Make sure you don't make a sound, ok?
*Well, let's get started!
*Whoa, you found me in no time!
*That makes 5 wins and 5 losses...  I guess that makes today's training a draw.
*Not too shabby, don't you think?  Not bad for the first time.
*You have a real knack for this, [Name].
A --I'm just a good student
B --I can't even move anymore

*It seems like this training is really helping you.
*I look forward to watching you grow!

*Well, I did my best today so it was probably pretty hard for you.

*There's still a lot more skills I need to teach you.
*Let's keep doing our best moving forward.
A --Leave it to me
B --Easy as Pie (Direct translation: Asameshimae which literally means Before Breakfast.  However this is an idiom and is not to be taken literally)
C --Can we take a taxi home?

*That's a pretty confident reply... I gotta say, I'm moved...
*I think you'll be a great addition to the Phantom Thieves!

*That's a pretty confident reply... I gotta say, I'm moved...
*I think you'll be a great addition to the Phantom Thieves!

*Isn't that super expensive, [Name]?  If you're that rich we should get sushi...
*You really shouldn't be wasting money.
*As part of your special training we should walk home.  (NOTE:  This is roughly a 3 hour walk according to Google Maps)

*By the way, you seem to have the basics down.  It may be time to teach you some more challenging skills soon.
*Well, do you want to know what skills you'll be training for next?
*Nyafufufu...  Let's just say it's something really special so you should be looking forward to it!

Scene 06 [Coming Soon]

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