This application claims to explain what each feature on your face says about you. From the size and curve of your knows to the narrowness of your eyes. It's a free application... but don't get too eager and excited. It's incredibly limited unless you're willing to pay to unlock... well... almost everything.
First off this application has two kinds of advertisements. There are ad banners as well as video ads that pop up every now and then. Considering how little content it gives you for the free version, it seems a bit of overkill on their part.
"So just what content does it have?" you might ask. Well, you can click the introduction link on the list that shows up when you first open the application. This gives you the basics of what face reading is. Here's an excerpt.
"Face reading gives you insights into your own and others' character through an understanding of what their facial features reveal. This segment on face reading explains how to make the best impression on those around you and also how to understand the true character of others."
Moving on to the next available thing to click on the menu. The second option is "Nose". You can see what this page looks like to the left. Choose the type of nose you, or someone you know has.
Once you've selected a nose, you'll see a photo of this nose type along with a short description of the traits that are associated with this nose shape. Though I don't think this counts for nose jobs... That might be a bit unfair, don't you think?
Let's look up the traits associated with "Breaks along it". Which is when the nose isn't a straight slope, but ends up being a bit more 'bumpy' so to speak. Also if your nose isn't straight. this often happens if you've ever broken your nose. Because my nose has been broken multiple times, my nose isn't straight. So this is supposed to describe me as well.
"Deviation of the septum or
where the nose angles to the
right or left.
Psychological Meaning: Traumas or major life changes
career moves, divorce,
challenges with children,
geographical moves, illness,
death of loved one. The years
for the trauma are measured
from the nose bridge down:
* Nose Bridge: During teens
* 1/3 down: mid to late 20s
* 1/2 down: in 30s
On the Job:
"I just started a new business
after my divorce or illness."
On a Date:
(after) "I'm stable again!" "Will
you be patient with me as I start
Moving along. Back to the main menu. You can click any of the other options available, but you can not click on any of the options within to get their definitions. This means only the definitions for noses are available. There are only 7 nose types.
The other menu options are 'Moles', 'Hair Textures', 'Hair Colours', 'Ten Forehead Shapes & Lines', 'Eye Colours, Sizes & Shapes', 'Eyebrows', "Cheeks', 'Lips', 'Teeth', 'Ear Heights', 'Chin Up', 'Jaws', 'Facial Shapes' and 'More'.
The "More" option just takes you to more apps by the app creator, not more types of face reading.
Now to decide what worth this application has, and if it's worth the download. I would say that if you are 'truly' interested in fortune telling and wish to buy the full version (1.99USD) then you may like to download this. However, I don't find the definitions to be very insightful or accurate. You can judge that for yourself from reading through the nose definitions. If you aren't really interested and are just curious... You might want to look elsewhere. The free content is very minimal and doesn't seem very useful. You probably shouldn't be judging everyone you meet by their nose. I'd say that could likely get you into trouble. So keep in mind that this is for entertainment purposes only.
I honestly had greater hopes for this application. I expected it to be more specific and insightful. I thought there would be more explanations of why certain traits are associated with certain features and go more in depth. So I have to say that I was a bit disappointed.
Rating: 2/5
- Free
- Category: Entertainment
- Updated: Aug 15, 2011
- Version: 1.8
- Size: 5.3 MB
- Language: English
- Seller: I-Pmart Network Sdn. Bhd.
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