Pokemon: Magikarp Jump: Tips and Tricks
For those who have not yet read my review on Magikarp Jump, or people who have not yet played the app, feel free to check it out
here. This is a list of helpful information about the app that can be used to find special events to complete your Event Dex or level up your magikarp faster.
If you know of any great hints I may have missed, please feel free to comment below and let me know!
01 Soft Reset
This is a bit of cheating, honestly, but if you are unwilling to spend money on the app, this will come in handy. I wouldn't do this too early on in the game, but if you are trying to fill your Pattern Dex this is going to make it take a lot less time.
When fishing for a Magikarp you will notice a little sweat bead illustration above your character's head once something starts tugging on the line. If this bubble appears once, it will be a normal grade Magikarp. This will include your Standard, Skelly, Calico and Orange pattern types. Two bubbles appearing will give you a rare pattern type such as Pink, Grey, Purple and so on. Three bubbles will guarantee you a super rare. Most super rares are just an event such as the
Transforming Magikarp event. However, you can also get a shiny Magikarp from this.
Watch the sweat bubbles and the character's leg. Once the sweat bubbles stop appearing the character will begin to lift their leg up as you can see in the image above. If the leg lifts after one bubble and you are trying to get a rare or super rare pattern type, quickly close the app before the fish appears. You will want to close it down immediately after that leg lifts. If you see the fish revealed, it is too late.
Once the app is closed fully, restart it. The app will say you closed suddenly and take you back to the rod selection screen. You'll get another chance to fish up a Magikarp. One can just keep utilising the soft reset until they get the amount of sweat bubbles that fits the rarity they are going for.
The only other way of doing this that is not cheating would be to use diamonds to try again after catching a Magikarp you did not want. This costs 50 diamonds per retry. So it can add up really quickly. Especially since free players get very few diamonds very slowly in the app.
02 Evolving Gyarados
This event can only happen one time so choose carefully! You can get a regular Gyarados from evolving any Magikarp or a red Gyarados by evolving a shiny golden Magikarp. Also worth noting is that once you evolve your Magikarp into a Gyarados you will no longer be able to use that Magikarp in the game. The mayor will take it from you and you will be forced to fish up another Magikarp.
Users may have noted that you can tap on Magikarp when he is swimming around in your little habitat you create for him. If you tap him rapidly for long enough you will crack the Everstone. If you do this when you are level 10 (Thus able to have a Magikarp that can achieve level 20) then your Magikarp will evolve at level 20. If you do this when you are a lower trainer level then whatever Magikarp you get when you are a high enough level will evolve instead.
03 Dratini Catching
This is another event that can happen during fishing. Users do not get to keep the Dratini, just like when they fish up a Ditto. However, if you are looking to complete your Event Dex, this is something you will need to come across.
It will require 3 sweat bubbles to appear before the leg lift to signify a super rare event. Unlike the ditto, there is no tell before fishing to signify the event will happen. However, if you continue to try recatching a Magikarp with diamonds in one go (The soft reset does not count), you should get the Dratini event after spending 200 (That is 4 retries, 5 if you have never retried before) diamonds.
Though you can't keep the Dratini you do get a Skill Restore item which can come in handy later in the game when you have acquired a great deal of Friendship Pokemon.
04 Unlocking Ditto Cushion
To unlock this decoration item you will need to have the
Transforming Magikarp event. Though the event is random it always takes place when you are fishing up a new Magikarp and there is an easy way to tell if it is about to happen. If you know the tell, you can always make sure to get it.
When you see the rods facing different directions as they do in the image above, always choose the rod facing a different way from the other two. If you do this you will fish up a Ditto that looks like a Magikarp. This will add the
Transforming Magikarp event to your Event Dex and add the Ditto Cushion to the decoration shop. You'll still need to use diamonds to purchase it, but it will be available from this point on.
05 The Ring Event
This is an event that you have to know how to trigger in order to achieve. If you are trying to complete the Event Dex, this information is important. In order to trigger this event you'll have to be at the screen where your Magikarp is swimming about in its habitat. The area where it eats food and you can see your friendship Pokemon.
There is a small television by the water (Odd choice, right? Sounds dangerous). Tapping this television 7 times (Say no each time the notification appears) will make the screen turn to static. Seven, like seven days in The Ring. Now tap it another seven times and the static should stop. After that immediately go train. After training you will trigger an event with a creepy little ghost girl.
This event can only be triggered one time so when the girl tells you to leave, you need to leave. If you don't leave, you will have wasted this event. The event is a great way to increase your Magikarp's level. When you leave, your Magikarp will gain one additional level from it. If you choose not to leave, you get nothing. The event will still be logged into your Event Dex, but you won't get your free level.
Some people have stated that this extra level bonus is a way to add a level to your Magikarp beyond the max level your Magikarp has available. I have not been able to confirm this as the extra level trick can only be performed once.
06 Killing Magikarp
Sometimes you have a really crumby Magikarp and you don't feel like spending diamonds to try catching another so you are stuck with it... Or are you? There are a few ways to get your Magikarp killed so you can try catching a better one. When at the event that asks if you want to jump high into the tree to reach a berry your Magikarp has a chance of being grabbed by a Pidgeotto and carried away (We all know what happens after that... it gets eaten), or during the event where you find a Pokeball laying on the ground, it can turn out to be a Voltorb and explode, killing your Magikarp. However, there is no way to trigger these specific events or to ensure the bad result... There is one way to guarantee a Magikarp death though.
Double tapping anywhere in the watery habitat your Magikarp swims around in will cause the Magikarp to swim there. If you tap near the top of the water, your Magikarp will swim up to the surface. When he is up here tapping him causes him to do an air jump. If you continue to tap and perform more jumps a Pidgeotto will fly by. This is your warning. Ignore it and keep jumping. The Bird type Pokemon will return and fly away with your Magikarp. You will then be able to go back to catch a new one.
07 Zoom Out
The app never really tells you this but using the pinch method you can zoom in or zoom out while playing the game, any time you are in the habitat. This comes in handy when trying to feed your Magikarp.
08 Eevee Statue Skill Restore
There are many decorations available in the decorations shop that one can purchase with their diamonds. However, one of these decorations can benefit you without you needing to purchase it.
In the decoration Shop scroll down to the Bronze Eevee statue and give the image a tap. This only works once and only with this item. You will receive a special reward of one Skill Restore for your amazing discovery.
09 Friendship Events
Some events are linked to the Pokemon friendships you have purchased or won in the game. Not every friendship item is linked to an event. If you are trying to complete your Event Dex you will need to make sure to obtain the following Pokemon Friendships...
Pikachu, Mimikyu, Snorlax, Slowpoke and Mudkip.
10 Free LP Restores
LP Restore items allow you to continue battling in the league immediately even after you've had a loss. Without them, you have to wait for a 30 minute cool down. There is a way to get three of these for free.
If you battle in the league and lose you can go back to your Magikarp habitat where you can feed or train... don't. Just wait it out (Or use one of your LP Restores). You want to go back to the same battle and lose again. To ensure a loss, you need to avoid gaining points in between battles. After your second loss, do the same thing. Either wait without levelling or use another LP Restore. After this third loss you will get an event that awards you 3 free LP Restore items.